Hey everyone on this Saturday morning. I have been on a n extreme nail polish kick! Sinful Colors had a sale all week on their nail polishes for .99 cents. I racked up on some colors I didnt have as well as from some new collections such as "Cast Away, Petal Pushers(alot of repromoted) and Heartbreakers. During the entire week, Altogether I think I purchased a total 12 Sinful Colors and 3 Wet & Wild; not bad huh! I will bring you reviews for the Sinful Colors new polishes, next! However, this review is all about the WnW Megalast in the color "On A Trip."

First a would like to address the fact that WnW revamped the packaging. The older Megalast was truly a waste of $2, in my opinion. I didnt care for the fact that the bottle was so small. I also appreciate the cost. WnW did not change the price of the nail polish just the packaging. So instead we get more for the same price $1.99. So the new look is an a plus for me! I also love the "Pro-Brush Mani Curve brush. It allows a much better application. The texture is nice & creammy and I did not have to apply 30 coats in order to get true color (hyperbole).
Now as far as the color, Amazing!! I have not had a color like this is my entire nail polish collection. I am pretty sure that I can find one like it in another brand (more expensive) So for the price I love it! I would consider this to be a purple/periwinkle/blue color, very beautiful vibrant color. I dont know if I am "Gaga" over this color because I truly LOVe the Color Purple...lol!
On A Trip was the only color that stood out to me from the whole entire WnW Line. I did see other colors, in fact, I purchased 3 for the promotion sale (Buy 3 For $4) Save $2 bucks; I am a girl on a budget! the other 2 are "Sugar Coat" and " I Need A Refresh Mint." The other colors in the collection are:
1. I red a book -bright blue base red
2. Wet Cement- Beige-y Gray
3.Through The Grapevine- Deep Pink-ish/Purple
4. Disturbia- Dark Plum
5. Undercover- Pink/Brown Nude
6. Candylicious- Light Bright Barbie Pink
Go to your local Walgreens for the new Wet & Wild Polishes. The B2G1 Free is valid up until the 25th of Feb. They are really a Great deal for 1.99!!
Up Next.......Wet & Wild Megalast Nail Polish Review In "I Need A Re-Fresh Mint"
Please go to my FB page For my Jewelry Sale